A Course Designed to Equip You to

Become an Author

Finally, a course developed to enhance your writing abilities and give you the tools needed to compose a quality Christian Women's Manuscript. This course takes it a step further, beyond the logistics of writing a book and also instructs how to market yourself as an author and pursue publishers.

About the Creator

I'm Alexandra Jensen, Christ-follower, wife, and mother of three. I love to write! I have authored and traditionally published three books, and two more are about to be published. I wrote this course to help women who need a little direction, encouragement, and explicit teaching to transform their book idea into a well-polished manuscript. God has placed a unique idea inside of you, and it's your job to be faithful with the gift he has put on your heart.

Write like a Pro!

Learn the hallmarks of quality writing. Develop a genuine writing style that captivates readers.

Market Like a Champion!

Build your platform and begin incoporating social media strategies that will expand your reach.

Pursue Publishers

Learn how to pursue publishers properly and professionally.

Enroll Today!